Projects like Emdebian and Linaro provide good, pre-packaged ARM cross compilers but cross compilers for bare metal are still a bit of a mess.
The CodeSourcery ARM Lite Edition is a really good bet. There’s the ridiculous crosstool-NG. My favourite is summon-arm-toolchain which is a nice, readable shell script that handles the download and multi-stage build for you.
I’ve done a little bit of work on it at to tidy up the download process and support for the Linaro ARM toolchain.
I’m just starting out in search of the good instruction on setting up an ARM toolchain, and I am interested to know why you think crosstool-ng is “ridiculous”. Would you please elaborating?
Hi Matt. It’s just in terms of size. crosstool-ng supports a huge range of configurations which means it’s big and (perhaps) complex to get into.
It seems strange to have to install a build tool…